- Missed Call Service

Why You Shouldn’t Miss a Missed Call Service!

Are you a business owner? Is reaching your customers your continuous concern?

We tell you. Be it a business of decades ago or today’s fast-paced time, reaching and interacting with customers is one hard drill. And, fortunately, technology can help today’s businesses! And, leverage technology in making a connection with customers is one of the smart and pivotal ways of running businesses.

Though you are aware of the range of business and technology relationships like software products, smart apps, or whatnot, we will discuss a unique application today! It’s about leveraging missed call service. Let’s begin!

What is a Missed Call?

A typical missed call occurs when a phone call is disconnected after two or three rings. But, what’s that? How can this help if you are a business?

To take advantage of a missed call service, Cloud-based telephony firms such as Voxvalley have developed smart solutions such as Missed Call Service, SMS Alerts, and others. These services can help businesses capture customers’ information such as contact number, time of call, and location depending on the metrics being captured. Upon integration with the right type of software, businesses can reach back to these customers. This information can assist businesses in a range of ways.

Leveraging this service can deliver plenty of benefits to businesses. To begin with, giving a missed call on a number is free, and it saves time for the company agent/worker. It also does not need excessive or differentiative machinery. And businesses also don’t have to go through each client’s details to receive a response. This can help businesses increase client involvement in various ways.

But, are these benefits enough? Don’t Worry! There are more!

Missed Call Service Benefits

●      Easy Lead Generation

A missed call service can be one of the most simple and easy ways to generate leads. After getting a toll-free number, customers can disconnect after 1-2 rings. This can help businesses capture their customers’ phone numbers and take follow-ups with them later. Businesses can take into account remarketing principles here! This can assist businesses to reach a wider audience and generate more leads without spending lots and lots of money on hefty marketing, advertisements, and customer acquisition costs.

●      Cost-Effective Marketing

A missed call API is a cost-effective marketing tool that helps businesses cover a wider audience and cut down costs on direct marketing activities. So, instead of spending large amounts of money on traditional and old ways of advertising methods such as online marketing, posters, flyers, and so forth, businesses like yours can use this new missed call service to market and interact with more customers.

This can also help businesses save time on building those multi-software or CRM-based marketing strategies that can cost thousands and thousands of dollars!

●      Enhanced Customer Engagement

Businesses, be it B2B, or B2C, find ways to engage with customers. And missed call service is an effective way to engage with your customers.

Providing a simple and convenient way to interact with your business, missed call service can help you grab users’ attention without annoying them or becoming too pushy! It can also enhance their experience and make them feel their privacy and choices are heard.

●      Real-Time Analytics

No business strategy works without analytics. And, by leveraging Voxvalley’s missed call service, you can also leverage the art of analytics for your business.

A missed call service can provide you with real-time analytics that can help you track missed calls and analyze customer call patterns. This information can be used to tailor your marketing campaigns and improve your customer service. You can also gain insights into your customers’ behavior and preferences, which can help you provide better service and products.

●    Conduct Surveys

If you are a business, you would never underestimate the value of unbiased surveys! And, missed call service can help here immensely!

To begin with, missed call service has considerably revolutionized e-voting and surveys. It streamlined the process by substituting message answers with missed call responses. Not only this, a missed call service makes it easy for businesses to collect data as there is no form filling or long questionnaire for customers. They can simply press a few keys, and Bingo, it’s done! It can significantly increase the number of responses in a survey!

●  Verification of Data

According to a CNBC report, around 15.4 million customers were the victims of serious identity theft in 2016. This highlighted how fraud activities on the internet have become a concern for business owners who operate through an online platform. Keeping their customers’ information safe, and secure along with verification of data can therefore be crucial. 

By verifying every approaching consumer, Missed Call Service acts as a protective shield for these companies. When a consumer misses a call, the IVR automatically checks the number using smartly built algorithms.


Businesses tend to leverage several ways to become their customers’ first preference. But, it’s not as easy as it may seem. And, that’s where missed call service can help! You must now be familiar with all the benefits it can serve you.

A missed call service is an effective way to gain more customers and grow business. It is a cost-effective marketing tool that helps you generate leads, engage with your customers, and provide real-time analytics. Further, by utilizing a missed call service, you can take your business to the next level and achieve greater success.

Want to leverage missed call service for your business? Get in touch with the experts of Voxvalley today!

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