mobile voip applications

Why Should Service Providers Have Mobile VoIP Applications?

VoIP service or Voice over Internet Protocol is one of the newest technologies for transmitting data over internet lines. This enables communication better and quicker than analog data transmission. In this process, your voice or any other data in the form of media or messages is converted into a digital signal. The receiver then receives this digital signal converted back to the data through internet lines.

The best part about using VoIP is it works anywhere it finds an internet connection. VoIP can work on multiple devices regardless of the device, given the appropriate app is installed. However, here are ten reasons why service providers should have VoIP applications for better business.

Work on Multiple Devices

With the proper application, VoIP can be used over multiple devices. Since data transmission through VoIP works on digital signals, connecting different devices is relatively easy which can be done with an active internet connection only.

The better part about VoIP is when you create an account on the VoIP provider package; all your devices are linked. This means you can receive calls from any connected device within the network.

Remote Access to Data

If you do not have your mobile phone on you and have your laptop instead, you do not have to worry about missing important business calls. Since every device is linked within the network,

you can access all the data from one point. Be it calls, messages, media or any other data form, it will be available on the other device. As long as those devices have an internet connection, it is entirely accessible, creating a unified communication environment.

Cost-Effective Option

Though it might sound expensive, VoIP communication platform and services are 40-60% less costly than traditional phone services. As mentioned before, the entire concept of VoIP is based on data transmission over the internet. In that case, when you opt for such services, you only need to pay for the internet connection and nothing else. There are applications available on the internet through which you can sign up for this service.

Easy to Scale Service

Every place you go, you can see bundles of wires and ports. These ports are ethernet connection ports known as RJ-45 adapters, and they are responsible for transmitting the internet from the source to the receiving device. The only way VoIP service is scalable and expandable is through the internet connection. With such wires, required internet connections and the appropriate application, the service is easy to access.

Proper Backup

After you sign up for the VoIP service, you can complete control over the proceedings. Since VoIP is unified communications as a service, the customer has complete control. You can turn off the services any time you want. The best part is that if you decide to move away from the services, your data will be preserved. Again, in cases of emergency or loss of credentials, your data would be backed up safely with the service provider.

How is Voxvalley Your Partner in VoIP Services?

Voxvalley is a highly-developing telecommunication firm that helps its customers with omnichannel communication, softphone services, VoIP services and much more. They are great partners in setting up VoIP channels for extensive communication. Moreover, they offer VoIP services at a cost-effective rate with round-the-clock, excellent sales and after-sales services.


With the growth in technology, everyone wants convenience regarding communication. VoIP has provided effective bases to make communication more and more convenient and cost-effective. Since most people and businesses have an active internet connection, setting up VoIP services is relatively easy and a compelling idea.

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