Customers find your business more trustworthy when you keep in touch with them through various communication channels. Apart from calls, SMS also plays a vital role in establishing good connections with your customers. SMS API is the software interface that lets web applications and mobile applications send and receive short…read more →

DLT template

What is a DLT template?

Posted On Jun 12 2021

Distributed ledger technology or DLT is a digital structure for retaining and handling the records of sender identities and templates. DLT is a block-chain enabled registration process. Telecom authorities require telemarketers to register all their senders, headers, and templates in the DLT platform. This is to control the spam in…read more →

how to become bulk sms reseller

SMS reseller solution is an indigenous and independent wing of bulk SMS buyers. Big organizations or buyers dealing in SMS buy huge portions of SMS credit known as bulk SMS. A bulk SMS buyer in turn can create smaller units of SMS credits and sell to his customers. The smaller…read more →

Start Bulk SMS Business

How to Start Bulk SMS Business?

Posted On Nov 07 2020

SMS still remains to be one of the popular ways of marketing adopted by businesses. Bulk SMS is type of SMS service that enables you to send large quantities of messages to your customers. One of the major questions asked regarding this service is ‘how to start bulk SMS business’.…read more →

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